DUSC- End of Exams Mystery Bus (CLUB EVENT)

  • Friday October 18th, 2024
  • 6:30 PM
  • Starts at Burwood campus

Club members

  • $31.50

DUSA members

  • $36.00

General admission

  • $38.00


Deakin University Snow Club (DUSC)


End of Exams Mystery Bus Theme: Wild West Starts 6:30 pm @ Burwood campus (next to the oval) The bus will then take you to a variety of mystery bars and pubs Event officially ends at 11:30pm on Chapel st South Yarra but you are free to continue on, on your own or with friends. Tickets: - DUSC members: $31.50 - DUSA members: $36.00 - Non-Members: $38.00 Ticket includes: - Bus from Deakin and between venues - Snacks - Venue entry and drink deals - Games and prizes This is an 18+ only event (ID's will be required in order to get on the bus) DUSC promotes responsible consumption of alcohol

Become a member of your student association and you’ll get awesome merch PLUS discounts on your OFest tickets.

Female student standing outside wearing a DUSA Hoodie and carrying a DUSA backpack
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