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Exam mishaps

This information is from the T1 2021 DUSA Advocacy Academic Integrity Awareness Campaign.

The information available on this page is from our T1 2021 Academic Integrity Awareness Campaign.
The Advocacy team receive numerous inquiries each exam period from students regarding a range of exam mishaps and other issues. We have prepared this information to help you avoid these situations and to know about Deakin supports for when things don’t go to plan.
Sharing study notes for an exam and receiving a collusion allegation

Studying together can be a great way to learn. But beware of the line between collaborating and colluding. Helping each other with exam study notes could lead to you and your friend writing the same answers in an online or open-book exam. This can be considered collusion and you could receive an academic integrity allegation, even if you are just trying to help each other. Don’t let this be you!

Make sure you don’t share your notes with other students or create study notes together. Only use your own study notes and ensure that they are clearly referenced.

Completing an open book exam online and receiving a plagiarism allegation

Open book exams allow you to refer to study notes and other reference material during an exam. It can be a relief to not have to remember everything! However, be sure to summarise, paraphrase, quote and reference this material as you go. Since online open book exams were introduced in T1 2020, the DUSA Advocates have supported quite a few students who received allegations of plagiarism in their online open book exams.

Read over your exam instructions, develop clearly referenced study notes and avoid copying and pasting in a rush.

Experiencing a technical issue and losing your exam...nooooo!!!

Oh no! You’re in the middle of your exam and suddenly, your computer freezes. You rush to restart your computer only to discover that your exam has been lost! Stress starts to mount, and you have no idea what to do.

First, and foremost, try not to panic, it’s impossible to plan for everything. Next, contact Deakin IT Help Desk and submit a ticket. If you are unable to retrieve your lost exam, you could consider applying for Special Consideration using the ticket. We can help you with this!

Submitting the wrong exam file...and not realising...

Exam time can be stressful, and you may be completing many assessment tasks at the same time. It is extremely important that you double check your exam file before submitting to ensure it is the correct and fully completed file.

If you do happen to realise you have submitted the wrong file, contact your Unit Chair straight away to alert them of this and don’t edit your completed exam file after the due date.

Make sure your files are clearly named with something that distinguishes each unit and assessment task. You can thank us later!

Completing your online exam in the same location as a friend and sharing answers

Online exams are becoming the new norm. It’s not always easy to find a quiet, private place with a decent internet connection where you can complete your exam. Noisy housemates or siblings, overly affectionate pets and glitchy internet can make for a challenging experience!

Plan ahead so you have a private space.

If you are sitting your exam in the same home or location as a classmate, make sure you sit in a separate area where you can’t see or share each other’s answers. If you share answers, you could receive a collusion allegation. So make sure you complete your exams separately and then celebrate together when you’re finished!

Experienced a mishap that isn’t listed here? You’re not alone.

We help students with many inquiries. If you experience an issue preparing, during or after your exam – please contact DUSA Advocacy for support, that’s why we’re here! We will work with you to assess your situation and discuss possible courses of action.

Exam tips and information
  • Deakin’s general exam information page: Read Deakin’s page highlighting the various exam rules and procedures to prepare yourself for your online exam.
  • Deakin’s Cloud Deakin exam technical support page: To prepare to take your exam, or if you have any technical issues during exams, read through the information and FAQs on this page.
  • Materials you can and can’t bring into an exam: Check Deakin’s exam information page here and make sure you only bring materials that are allowed. If you are found to have any unauthorised materials in your possession, this may lead to an incident report being made and your exam and materials referred to the Academic Integrity Committee. So be sure to check and empty your pockets!
  • Check the time and location: Most exams will be delivered through your CloudDeakin site; however, some courses are required to have on-campus exams. Make sure you check the time of your exam and the location to make appropriate arrangements.
  • Parking and public transport: If you are driving to an on-campus exam, you can read about parking options at Deakin here. If you are catching public transport, you can find out options here. PTV’s Journey Planner is a great tool to help you plan your way. Make sure you plan ahead and arrive early, just in case there are any delays.
Deakin Supports

If you are struggling, reach out to your Unit Chair and let them know. Consider accessing Study Support for help and Deakin Counselling for psychological support (these are both free).

Special Consideration

You may be eligible for special consideration if circumstances beyond your control prevent you from undertaking or completing your exam at the scheduled time. Find out more here, and contact DUSA Advocacy if you would like support submitting your application.

Not sure where to start? If you would like to speak to someone about your specific circumstances, please feel free to contact our free Student Advocacy and Support Service. We are here to help and support students and our experienced and friendly team can help you develop a plan for your current and future studies. You can contact us via our online contact form.

Best of luck for your exams and happy studying!
Advocacy staff member smiling and handing papers to a student

DUSA employs qualified and experienced Advocates who offer confidential advice and support. Watch this video to find out more.

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