A cup full of pens sitting on a window sill which looks out onto a field

Where else can I get support?

There are a wide range of support services available to assist you. If you aren't sure which support is best for your circumstances, please feel free to contact us for advice.

DUSA Advocacy is here to help.

Many students experience difficulties that impact their studies, you don’t have to go through this alone. There are supports available that you can access for help. We have put together this list of services to help you find out what is relevant for your situation and circumstances. Have a look at our Get Help page to find out about DUSA's Supports, including Advocacy, Financial Counselling, Transport Assistance and more. Have a look at our External Crisis Supports to find out about Food Relief Services, Emergency Housing Services, Wellbeing Crisis Support Services and Family Violence Crisis Supports. If you are not sure what support is best for you, please feel free to contact us and we can provide you with additional information and referrals.

Support with Academic Matters

Do you find studying online difficult? Are you experiencing motivational issues? Are you struggling with planning and submitting your assessments on time? Does the stress of exams cause you anxiety?
Language and Learning Advisers

Language and learning advisers can assist you with developing your writing and study skills, understanding how to use Turnitin, providing feedback, helping you to understand academic integrity, referencing, paraphrasing and quoting of sources.
If you require supporting documentation for a university process:

  • You can ask for a letter of support from your Language and Learning Adviser.
  • You can also attach a booking confirmation if you are yet to have an appointment.
Student Central

Student Advisers can support you with a range of matters to support you in your studies. You can discuss your enrolment and study load, get unit or course advice, access your transcript, discuss fees and financial assistance, and be referred to other services within Deakin who can help. Inquiries can be made via phone, arranging an appointment or an online inquiry.
If you require supporting documentation for a university process:

  • You can request a copy of your updated Course plan
  • You can also provide a copy of your email inquiry to a Student Adviser and their response.
Writing Mentors

Writing Mentors are students who are able to provide support around understanding your assessment, approaches to research, ensuring your assignment is referenced adequately and how best to plan and manage your time for your studies and assessments.

Maths Mentors

Maths Mentors are students who are able to provide support around the understanding of mathematical concepts. Mentors are available at drop-in sessions on Zoom and on campus at Burwood and Waurn Ponds. Maths Mentors also contribute to the development and implementation the Foundation Maths Program and the Maths Resource Centre in which you can access notes, examples, videos and practice questions.

Faculty Mentor Program

You can register to become a Mentor or Mentee with your Faculty. Mentors support new students (Mentees) to navigate Uni life. It’s a great way to meet other students, access social events and helpful workshops to get you on the path to a successful journey at Deakin. Find out more information by clicking on your Faculty below.
If you require supporting documentation for a university process, you can provide email correspondence that shows you have become a Mentor or are a Mentee.

Business and Law Mentor Program
Health Peer Mentoring

Science Engineering and Built Environment Peer Support Network
Arts and Education Peer Mentoring

Important Advocacy tip: if you are responding to a Faculty letter and have made an appointment with a service and cannot meet them prior to submitting your response, you can take a picture of an appointment card or screenshot the email confirmation to show you have made an appointment.

Support with Health & Wellbeing Matters

Has your mental health been impacting your studies? Have you been caring for a family member? Do you have an ongoing disability or health issue that impacts your studies?
Deakin Counselling and Psychological Support (CAPS)

The Counselling service provides free and confidential support to all Deakin students. A Counsellor will work with you over 6 sessions to support you with your concerns and develop strategies to manage your situation. If the service is not right for your needs, the Counsellor will be able to refer you to a more specialised service.
If you require supporting documentation for a university process:

  • You can request that your Counsellor provide you with a letter of support.
  • You can also provide a copy of your appointment booking if you are yet to meet with a Counsellor.
Disability Resource Centre (DRC)

Register with the DRC for support around a disability, health or mental health issue that impacts on your studies. A Disability Liaison Officer (DLO) will work with you to develop an Access Plan or study plan so that you can get the most out of your course and minimise any impacts that your disability or health issue has on your study.
If you require supporting documentation for a university process:

  • You can provide a copy of your Access plan once you have registered.
  • You could also request a letter of support from your DLO if you have worked with them for a period of time.
  • You can provide a copy of your appointment booking if you are yet to meet with a DLO.
Deakin Medical Centre

Medical Centres are located on each campus for all Deakin Students and Staff to access. Each centre is staffed by qualified Doctors and Nurses to support you with any health concerns you may have. If you need a medical certificate or course related vaccinations they will be able to assist you.
If you require supporting documentation for a university process:

  • You can request a medical certificate from a GP.
  • You could also request a letter from your GP which will include more detail regarding your health and treatment plans.
  • You can provide a copy of your appointment booking if you are yet to meet with a GP.

THRIVE are a series of virtual workshops to equip you with the essential skills you’ll need to succeed at Deakin. This program offers practical tips for you to explore, with the aim of keeping you engaged and motivated to look after your own wellbeing.
If you require supporting documentation for a university process:

  • You could provide a copy of the registration confirmation for the session that you are attending.

Support with Personal Matters

Are you experiencing financial difficulties? Do you live in unstable or unsuitable accommodation? Have you work hours changed? Are you having relationship issues? Has there been a separation or divorce? Are you the first to attend University in your family? Have you had difficulty transitioning to studies at Deakin University either from a high school setting or moving internationally?
Financial Assistance

Deakin offers a range of financial support for domestic and international students; from loans to scholarships. If you would like to discuss these supports contact a Financial Assistance officer via Student Central or make an online inquiry.
If you require supporting documentation for a university process:

  • You can provide a copy of your emails with a Financial Assistance Officer requesting assistance.
  • You can provide a copy of the outcome of your scholarship or loan application.

The HouseMe database is a tool for students to find accommodation off campus. The website also contains links to Deakin Residential accommodation, Consumer Affairs Factsheets, and tips to avoid a scam.
Emergency housing support: If you find yourself experiencing a housing crisis, or if you are homeless or at risk of homelessness, you can contact the Deakin Residential Services team for support and guidance.
If you require supporting documentation for a university process:

  • You can attach a copy of your lease agreement to show a change in address/move. (If you do not have a formal lease, however have been emailing with a Real Estate Agent or Private landlord, you can attach a copy of your email correspondence.)
Safer Community

Safer Community can support you if you have experienced behaviour that is of concern to you, inappropriate or threatening, and can provide advice and information to ensure your safety on campus. Safer Community can also support you if you would like to report a sexual assault or are experiencing domestic or family violence.
If you require supporting documentation for a university process:

  • You can request a letter of support from a Safer Community staff member if you have accessed support from this service.
Deakin Talent

Deakin Talent is Deakin’s Careers and Employment service. They regularly run workshops and events to assist you to apply for jobs, create a strong LinkedIn profile, and find graduate and casual work or internships. Their website has a ‘Jobs and Internships Board’ you can regularly check.
If you require supporting documentation for a university process:

  • You can attach a copy of your appointment confirmation with a Career Coach if you are yet to meet with them.
  • You can also ask for a letter of support from your Career Coach.
LGBTIQ+ Support

You’ll find a number of resources available at Deakin to connect you socially to the LGBTIQ+ Community, support your wellbeing, safety and security and assist you if you experience harassment or discrimination. There are also other resources regarding inclusive practice, diversity and inclusion training, and links to external supports and education services.

Supporting Documentation

If you are required to obtain supporting documentation for a university process (such as Academic Progress), here is a list of some examples:

  • Medical Certificate/Report/Letter from Doctor
  • Letter from Counsellor/Psychologist
  • Letter from Disability Liaison Officer/Copy of Learning Access Plan
  • Letter from Centrelink/Financial Counselling/Debt Collection/Bank
  • Letter from Student Wellbeing Liaison Officer/International Student Support Officer
  • Letter from Lawyer
  • Details of contact with your Unit Chair/Tutor asking them for help and/or feedback
  • Details of contact with any Deakin Services
  • Email or letter from employer, change in work hours, payslips, letter of resignation
  • Rental agreement (Lease or confirmation email from a real estate agent/private landlord)
  • Appointment confirmations with support service staff
  • Support networks/social groups you have joined
  • Statutory Declaration
  • Trimester or weekly planner
  • Updated Course Plan (may include reduced study load, proof of enrolment change/intermission)
If you are not sure how to obtain this documentation or which service/support is relevant to your situation, please feel free to contact us for a free appointment.

While DUSA makes every effort to ensure that the information provided is accurate and up-to-date, DUSA expressly excludes responsibility for any errors or omissions.

External Crisis Supports

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