Student sitting at desk concentrating as he writes notes

Written submission template: Student Misconduct Allegation

If you have received a student misconduct allegation and would like support with your written submission, please contact our Advocacy team for a free appointment. Our experienced team can support you through the process.

If you have received a student misconduct allegation and would like support with your written submission, we’re here to help.

Here is a written submission template for a responding to a student misconduct allegation. Please feel free to use this template to write your written submission. Please ensure you have read our Student Misconduct webpage prior to writing your written submission.

Written Submission Template

(Use the address provided in the letter you received)
(insert date)

Dear Student Misconduct Committee members,

I, (insert name), studying a (insert name of your course), received an allegation of student misconduct which I would like to (disagree with and explain the situation or admit and explain the circumstances leading to the student misconduct allegation).

Brief Introduction

  • Provide the Committee with some information about yourself. Some things you might like to include here are year(s) and area of study, academic history, evidence of your integrity, the effect this allegation has had upon you. (This should be kept brief).

If in your reply slip to the Committee you do not admit the allegation, explain here why the allegation is not true:

  • State that you disagree with the Student Misconduct allegation.
  • Explain details about what happened.
  • Clarify why you disagree with the allegation including your understanding of the University’s rules.
  • Attach evidence of your claim.

If in your reply slip to the Committee you admit the allegation, explain here the circumstances that led to the act:

  • State that you accept the Student Misconduct allegation and you want to explain the circumstances. Please note that any oral or written acceptance of the allegation will result in a proven allegation.
  • Explain details about what happened.
  • Reflect on any consequences of what happened and what you have learnt from this.
  • Describe what you have done to address the issue. Include any services or resources that you have accessed, e.g. Counselling
  • Write a statement of apology and request that the Committee give your application due consideration.


  • Sum up your main points, and write a concluding paragraph.

Yours sincerely,

Student Name
Student ID,
Mailing Address,

Provide copies of any documents that you think are relevant to your case. Retain a copy of all documents for yourself.

Advocates can review your letter and provide you with confidential feedback before you finalise it and submit it to the faculty committee (Please allow 24- 48hrs prior to submission date for feedback to be provided). Please contact us to arrange a free appointment.

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