A mans hand holding a very tiny puppy

Mental Health Tips

While you may be experiencing heightened levels of anxiety and stress, following these tips can help reduce these feelings, and support your mental health.

Media coverage

Find a healthy balance! You might want to limit news and social media if you find it too distressing.

Stay calm and be practical

Follow only advice from credible sources and continue to do the right things, as this makes it easier for authorities to manage current case numbers. Make sure you check into every location by scanning the QR code using the Service Victoria app.

Stay connected and/or seek support

Keep in touch with your family, friends, fellow students or professional support services by phone, video call, social media or email.

Stick to a routine

Aim to get plenty of sleep, maintain physical activity, eat healthy food and allocate specific study hours and breaks. If you’re feeling frustrated about your current experience it can help to think about what positive habits you might be able to develop, such as spending more time with the family members / house mates within your household, getting to know your neighbourhood and cooking more. For some inspiration, check out our DUSA Food Pantry videos of DUSA Marketing Coordinator Kat, cooking with only 4 ingredients!

Read this related DUSA News article: Starting Uni During Uncertain Times

Original article by Vic Health.


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