male student sitting at a desk studying and writing notes

Remission/Refund of debt in special circumstances

If you were impacted after relevant census dates due to special circumstances and were unable to pass your unit/s, you may be eligible for a Remission/refund of debt.

Were you impacted after relevant census dates due to special circumstances and were unable to pass your unit/s? You may be eligible for a remission/refund of debt, we can support you with your application.

There are separate processes for Domestic and International students, please ensure you access information that is relevant to your circumstances. Please contact us if you would like support with your application.

Domestic students
  • If you are a domestic student and were impacted after relevant census dates due to special circumstances and were thus unable to pass your unit/s, as a domestic student, you can apply under the Higher Education Support Act 2003 (HESA) to have your HELP debt remitted (or if you’re paying your fees upfront to have a refund of debt).
  • You can access the Remission of debt in special circumstances for domestic student’s webpage here.
  • This webpage contains information for domestic students about criteria, timeframes, supporting documentation and how to apply.
International students
  • If you are an international student and were impacted after relevant census dates due to special circumstances and thus were unable to pass your unit/s due to special circumstances, you can apply to have any up-front payment of your tuition fees refunded subject to University policy. You can access the Refund of debt in special circumstances for International student’s webpage here.
  • This webpage contains information for international students about criteria, timeframes, supporting documentation and how to apply.
When will I know the outcome of my application?
  • Your application will typically be assessed within 30 working days of receipt by the University if it is complete and includes detailed supporting documentation.
If my application is unsuccessful, can I appeal?

Yes, you have the opportunity to appeal the outcome within 28 days of receiving notification of the decision. You can access the DUSA Appeal a remission/refund of debt in special circumstances outcome webpage here for more information about the process. Consider contacting us for advice and assistance regarding your appeal.

How can a DUSA Advocate help me?
  • A DUSA Advocate can provide advice regarding your remission/refund of debt application.
  • A DUSA Advocate can also review your draft remission/refund of debt application and provide feedback and suggestions regarding your application and supporting documentation.
  • Please contact us today to arrange a free appointment with an Advocate.
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